Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Past The Full Wolf Moon

I haven't had much to say lately that I wanted to post about. The holidays have come and gone. We're well into the first month of the new year and we're about to say goodbye to Mr. Bush. (And not a moment too soon...)

There's some things going on, but it's too soon to write about them. We'll see how things are in six months.

Last night Laura took me to hear (and later meet) Jean-Michel Cousteau at the Lincoln Center. He shared some video footage of underwater creatures and talked about our relation and connectedness. The water in the Colorado Mountains comes from evaporated sea water turned to snow. It melts and turns into the rivers and eventually it returns to the ocean. What gets in that water between the time it's snow and when it's in the ocean again is the problem. Not to mention what we dump into the air as well. He sees our situation as serious, but he feels that we can and will make the right choices and changes as soon as we understand that protecting the oceans is protecting ourselves.

There was a meet and greet after the lecture, and we were among the last to talk to him. He teased us about wasting our time to do that. I couldn't think of much to say other then to thank him for his work. Laura got to thank him and his father for inspiring her to become a scientist. When she told him she works with water quality data at the National Park Service, he asked her to send information to his organization and to keep in contact. He's someone I'd love to have dinner with. Or better yet, learn to dive from.

His organization is called Ocean Futures Society. Visit them at

What is the Full Wolf Moon? It's the time of year when the hungry wolves would come to the edge of the village and howl, especially around the full moon. Thank you, Old Farmers Almanac.